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Monday, 25 November 2013

Michael Dadoun Embraces Change With Exemplary Leadership And Open Mind

Intense passion has helped Michael Dadoun develop real estate projects and create state-of-the-art internet enterprises. He has to his credit more than 50 merger and acquisition deals and has been instrumental in supporting varied real estate projects in Mexico and the US.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Michael Dadoun Providing Leadership in an Age of Upheaval

When Michael Dadoun, CEO at UpClick, unveiled an exceptional full payment processing solution for the digital industry, few realized that this success had much more to do than just Information Technology expertise.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Michael Dadoun has Excellent Listening Skills

Leaders of modern organization have a minute chance of succeeding without a vision and effective communication of that vision to their employees. Leaders have to work towards a goal that puts the organization’s interest above all.  Michael Dadoun, the dynamic CEO of UpClick, is a people’s leader who actively listens to the suggestions, opinions, and grievances of his subordinates.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Michael Dadoun in the Vanguard in Providing E-retailing Solutions

Globalization and information technology boom have combined to create a networked business environment, which in turn is throwing challenges to traditional approaches to management and leadership.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Michael Dadoun, the CEO of UpClick is a Visionary Leader

Fast evolving technologies, changing business processes, and tougher competition have made the role of a leader more significant than ever before. Michael Dadoun is the CEO of e-commerce solution provider, UpClick. He is a dynamic leader whose collaborative and participate approach to management has won him the complete trust and loyalty of his employees.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Michael Dadoun is a Quick Thinker

In this age of globalization and fast changing marketing dynamics, the role of a leader in a modern organization has assumed added significance. Some theorists are of the opinion that leaders are born while others argue that leadership skills can be learnt. Michael Dadoun is a natural born leader of people. He is a type of person who commands the utmost love and respect of his employees.

The ability to lead effectively and take your organization to newer heights depends on some very important factors that all successful leaders must possess.

Some of these are as following:

Decision making abilities

A leader must possess quick and strong decision making abilities. A highly competitive business environment calls for a leader with quick thinking capabilities. Some crucial decisions are made and action taken on them in a very short period of time to march ahead of the competition. A leader who is a quick assessor can make fast decisions taking all pros and cons of the decision into consideration.


This is perhaps the most important trait that separates a leader from a follower. You simply cannot lead a modern organization if you do not have a clear cut vision. Michael Dadoun is a visionary leader with strong people-related skills. This enables him to effectively communicate the vision to his employees and motivate them to work towards a common goal.

A leader of any modern organization should lead by example. New age workers want a participative style of management where their views and opinions are valued and respected. Michael Dadoun is the CEO of UpClick. This is a Montreal based payment processing company. He is a leader who fully possesses all the qualifications to motivate and lead his employees.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Michael Dadoun Is An Innovative Leader

In this ever changing and dynamic business environment, the role of a good leader has become much more important. For any modern organization to survive the cut-throat competition, it is imperative that it is led by a person who has a clear cut vision and a sense of purpose.  Michael Dadoun is one such leader who is innovative, clairvoyant, and who knows how to adapt well to the changing situations and circumstances. He has the experience as well as the ability to take his organization to new heights through the help of his dynamic personality and collaborative approach.

As the business technologies and processes evolve with breathtaking speed, a CEO has to be in close touch with his or her surroundings so as to be better informed about the situation both inside and outside the organization. Michael Dadoun understands this aspect well and follows an open door policy. Employees at any time of the day can visit their head with any problems or queries that may be bothering them. This sends a strong message about the working of the organization. It symbolizes a spirit of openness and his availability to all employees of his organization, without any restriction placed on them based on their rank or seniority.

Any modern organization cannot hope to survive without the guidance and support of its leader. Good leaders can take a failing company to new heights, whereas a bad leader can even bring down a reputed multinational corporation. Michael Dadoun, the CEO of UpClick, maintains an optimistic view and uses passion as a catalyst for generating enthusiasm among his subordinates. Michael Dadoun fosters a spirit of healthy competitiveness in his organization and maintains a challenging environment.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Michael Dadoun Possess Exceptional Leadership Qualities

Most people envy the power and perks that go along with occupying the top position in an organization. Every day we keep hearing and reading about the CEOs of some big shot organizations taking home millions in salaries and bonuses.

This, however, is only one side of the coin. It is not easy to sit at the top and take strategic decisions with the ever-present feeling that whichever decisions you make can have long-term implications not only for you but for your organization and employees too. Michael Dadoun, the CEO of Montreal, Canada based payment processing company, UpClick, has the sincerity and dedication that any good CEO must possess. He is a quick thinker and this attribute of his has helped his organization make a mark in the very short period that he has been at the helm of affairs.

Smooth seas never make good sailors. It is hard to imagine a modern organization without its own fair share of discouragement and disappointment. The real test for a leader comes when the chips are down and everybody in the organization is looking at him with the expectation to pull them out of the rut. A never-say-die attitude and heaps of positive energy and experience enable Michael Dadoun to let his employees see things in a positive light and start afresh with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.

How an organization performs is directly related to how its leader performs. Michael Dadoun, the CEO of UpClick, is an exceptional performer which has allowed his organization to scale new heights.  A great leader creates an organization that delivers more than what it promises. A performing leader means performing employees which eventually means a performing organization.