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Monday, 24 June 2013

Michael Dadoun is a Quick Thinker

In this age of globalization and fast changing marketing dynamics, the role of a leader in a modern organization has assumed added significance. Some theorists are of the opinion that leaders are born while others argue that leadership skills can be learnt. Michael Dadoun is a natural born leader of people. He is a type of person who commands the utmost love and respect of his employees.

The ability to lead effectively and take your organization to newer heights depends on some very important factors that all successful leaders must possess.

Some of these are as following:

Decision making abilities

A leader must possess quick and strong decision making abilities. A highly competitive business environment calls for a leader with quick thinking capabilities. Some crucial decisions are made and action taken on them in a very short period of time to march ahead of the competition. A leader who is a quick assessor can make fast decisions taking all pros and cons of the decision into consideration.


This is perhaps the most important trait that separates a leader from a follower. You simply cannot lead a modern organization if you do not have a clear cut vision. Michael Dadoun is a visionary leader with strong people-related skills. This enables him to effectively communicate the vision to his employees and motivate them to work towards a common goal.

A leader of any modern organization should lead by example. New age workers want a participative style of management where their views and opinions are valued and respected. Michael Dadoun is the CEO of UpClick. This is a Montreal based payment processing company. He is a leader who fully possesses all the qualifications to motivate and lead his employees.

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